Relative versus absolute paths on Windows

Gregory Ewing greg.ewing at
Fri Nov 20 19:57:39 EST 2009

Jason R. Coombs wrote:

> In other words, paths without a drive letter are reported as absolute,
> but treated as relative, except in a few special cases.

It's not clear what the result ought to be here, since
Windows drive-relative paths don't really fit into the
unix absolute/relative dichotomy. Arguments could be
made either way, and what's right probably depends on
the reason you're asking.

For cross-platform code, it's probably safest to avoid
drive-relative paths altogether -- convert them to
fully absolute paths at the earliest opportunity.

>>>>ntpath.join('d:\\foo', '\\bar')
> '\\bar'

This does seem like a bug, though -- the correct result
should really be 'd:\\bar', since that's what you would
get if you used the name '\\bar' with 'd:' as your current


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