TODO and FIXME tags

Ben Finney ben+python at
Tue Nov 17 04:47:00 EST 2009

Chris Rebert <clp2 at> writes:

> 2009/11/16 Yasser Almeida Hernández < at>:
> > How is the sintaxis for set the TODO and FIXME tags...?
> There is no special syntax for those. Some people use them in
> comments, but it's just a convention.

This is true. However, the convention is fairly well established, and
many text editor default configurations will highlight the strings
‘TODO’, ‘FIXME’, and others wherever they appear in comments.

There's no widely-followed “syntax” for this convention, though.

 \     “I must say that I find television very educational. The minute |
  `\       somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a book.” |
_o__)                                                    —Groucho Marx |
Ben Finney

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