Logic operators with "in" statement

exarkun at twistedmatrix.com exarkun at twistedmatrix.com
Mon Nov 16 09:12:27 EST 2009

On 02:02 pm, mr.spoon21 at gmail.com wrote:
>I'm trying to use logical operators (or, and) with the "in" statement,
>but I'm having some problems to understand their behavior.

"and" and "or" have no particular interaction with "in".
>In [1]: l = ['3', 'no3', 'b3']
>In [2]: '3' in l
>Out[2]: True
>In [3]: '3' and '4' in l
>Out[3]: False
>In [4]: '3' and 'no3' in l
>Out[4]: True
>This seems to work as I expected.

What this actually does is '3' and ('no3' in l).  So it might have 
produced the result you expected, but it didn't work how you expected. 


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