python simply not scaleable enough for google?

Rami Chowdhury rami.chowdhury at
Thu Nov 12 13:58:49 EST 2009

On Thu, 12 Nov 2009 09:32:28 -0800, Alf P. Steinbach <alfps at>  
> This also seems religious. It's like in Norway it became illegal to  
> market lemon soda, since umpteen years ago it's soda with lemon  
> flavoring. This has to do with the *origin* of the citric acid, whether  
> natural or chemist's concoction, no matter that it's the same chemical.  
> So, some people think that it's wrong to talk about interpreted  
> languages, hey, it should be a "language designed for interpretation",  
> or better yet, "dynamic language", or bestest, "language with dynamic  
> flavor". And slow language, oh no, should be "language whose current  
> implementations are perceived as somewhat slow by some (well, all)  
> people", but of course, that's just silly.

Perhaps I'm missing the point of what you're saying but I don't see why  
you're conflating interpreted and dynamic here? Javascript is unarguably a  
dynamic language, yet Chrome / Safari 4 / Firefox 3.5 all typically JIT  
it. Does that make Javascript non-dynamic, because it's compiled? What  
about Common Lisp, which is a compiled language when it's run with CMUCL  
or SBCL?

Rami Chowdhury
"Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity" --  
Hanlon's Razor
408-597-7068 (US) / 07875-841-046 (UK) / 0189-245544 (BD)

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