on "Namespaces"

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Tue Nov 10 17:45:59 EST 2009

Steven D'Aprano <steven at REMOVE.THIS.cybersource.com.au> writes:

> Modules are namespaces. So are packages.
> Classes and class instances are namespaces.
> Even function scopes are namespaces.

Steven implies it with his wording, but to make it explicit:

When you have a module, package, class, or instance-of-a-class object,
those objects are themselves namespaces. That is, the name used to refer
to the object can be a component in a namespace reference::

    import foo_package
    import bar_module

    class Parrot(object):
        widget = object()

    parrot = Parrot()

    # Use a package as a namespace.

    # Use a module as a namespace.

    # Use a class as a namespace.
    print Parrot.widget

    # Use an arbitrary instance as a namespace.
    parrot.state = "Restin'"

When you have a function object, the “function scope” is not available
in this way: you can't access the “inside” of the function from the
outside via the function object. (The function object, like any other
object, has a namespace, but that's not the *function scope* namespace.)

> When you write:
> n = None
> def spam(n):
>     print "spam" * n
> def ham(n):
>     print "ham" * n
> the n inside spam() and ham() and the global n are in different 
> namespaces, and so independent.

Right. And neither of them is available from outside those functions
(since the reference only exists while the function is executing).

 \             “Roll dice!” “Why?” “Shut up! I don't need your fucking |
  `\     *input*, I need you to roll dice!” —Luke Crane, demonstrating |
_o__)                       his refined approach to play testing, 2009 |
Ben Finney

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