Choosing GUI Module for Python ssteinerx at
Mon Nov 9 09:21:33 EST 2009

On Nov 9, 2009, at 3:59 AM, Antony wrote:
>> You may want to offer a little more info, like what exactly you are
>> looking to do with such GUI. are your needs for a  VW, Corvette, or
>> Mercedes? etc, etc. All these kits have pros and cons, some better  
>> for
>> this some for that, yadda yadda
> I would like to know about that pros and cons only ...

What might be a "pro" for one use case could easily be a "con" for  

For example, Kit-X may be infinitely configurable to run on everything  
from 800x600  to 1680x1050 pixel monitors with full viewport control,  
full zoom, pan,  etc. and requires that all those cases be handled  
with correct configuration.

That's great if you're writing an application that requires that.

But, if you're writing a Pref Pane for OS X, which will never be any  
bigger than the pref-pane window and will only run on OS X, that  
particular kit might be a huge waste of time.

The "pro" of infinite flexibility becomes a huge "con" for the OS X  
Pref Pane use-case.


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