Python C api: create a new object class

lallous lallous at
Tue Nov 10 14:09:54 EST 2009


I have 3 questions, hope someone can help:

How can I create an instance class in Python, currently I do:

class empty:

Then anytime I want that class (which I treat like a dictionary):

o = empty()
o.myattr = 1

Is there is a one line syntax to instantiate an instance?

Any other ways than this:
o = new.classobj('object', (), {})


How can I, similarly, create an object "o" in C api:

PyObject *o = what_to_call(....)

PyObject_SetAttrString(o, "attrname", py_val)


One way I found was first calling PyClass_New() (to create an empty class) 
and then passing the return value to PyInstance_NewRaw to get a new instance 
of that empty class.

Can I achieve the same otherwise?


Given a PyObject* is there is a way to tell if one can call 
PyObject_SetAttrString() on that object w/o getting an error?

For example, before calling a PyObject* one can see if it is callable, but 
can I test if an object supports setattr?

(from C api)

Thank you,


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