What text editor is everyone using for Python

Jeremiah Dodds jeremiah.dodds at gmail.com
Wed May 27 04:35:54 EDT 2009

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 6:29 AM, Teguh Iskanto <tiskanto at gmail.com> wrote:

> BTW: "screen" does split screen too :)
Unfortunately, screen only does horizontal splitting. (I heard that vertical
splitting is supposed to be in the next version of it, and is in the dev
trunk, but I don't know).

That said, screen is possibly the second most useful tool in my toolbox,
right behind emacs. If you need to interact with different machines, it's a
lifesaver. Actually, even if you don't, but you find yourself with a bunch
of terminals open (whether you're in X or not), it's still incredibly

I know this is supposed to be a discussion about text editors, but I think
that screen does deserve a mention as being very complementary to a good
text editor if you're a programmer.
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