What text editor is everyone using for Python

Ken Seehart ken at seehart.com
Tue May 26 09:34:27 EDT 2009

Lacrima wrote:
> I am new to python.
> And now I am using trial version of Wing IDE.
> But nobody mentioned it as a favourite editor.
> So should I buy it when trial is expired or there are better choices?
It's my favorite.  Buy it.  I'm not aware of any better choices.

If you can afford the Pro version buy that, especially if you are 
planning any large projects.  But take a peek at the feature list before 
making that decision: http://www.wingware.com/wingide/features .  Some 
of my favorite Pro features are test suite support, advanced debugging, 
and code folding.  The debugger is way more powerful in the Pro version.

Of course, favorites are ultimately determined by religious preference.


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