Adding a Par construct to Python?

Diez B. Roggisch deets at
Sun May 17 14:36:36 EDT 2009

> But reduce() can't tell whether the function being applied is commutative 
> or not. I suppose it could special-case a handful of special cases (e.g. 
> operator.add for int arguments -- but not floats!) or take a caller-
> supplied argument that tells it whether the function is commutative or 
> not. But in general, you can't assume the function being applied is 
> commutative or associative, so unless you're willing to accept undefined 
> behaviour, I don't see any practical way of parallelizing reduce().

def reduce(operation, sequence, startitem=None, parallelize=False)

should be enough. Approaches such as OpenMP also don't guess, they use 
explicit annotations.


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