call function of class instance with no assigned name?

Dave Angel davea at
Tue May 5 22:55:53 EDT 2009

George Oliver wrote:
> On May 5, 11:59 am, Dave Angel <da... at> wrote:
>> 1) forget about getattr() unless you have hundreds of methods in your
>> map.  The real question is why you need two maps. What good is the
>> "command string" doing you?   Why not just map the keyvalues directly
>> into function objects?
> Thanks for the reply Dave. I understand your example and it's what I
> originally used. Here is more detail on what I'm doing now, I hope
> this will explain my question better.
> In the game I'm writing the player, monsters, items and so on are
> instances of class Thing, like:
> class Thing(object):
>     def __init__(self, x, y, name):
>         self.x, self.y = x, y
> = name
>         self.brain = None
> Some Things have an instance of class Brain attached. The Brain
> instance has a list of handlers, like:
> class Brain(object):
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.handlers = []
> A handler class defines some functionality for the Brain. Each Brain
> has an update method like this:
> def update(self, arguments):
>     for handler in self.handlers:
>         handler.update(arguments)
> So on each pass through the main game loop, it calls the update method
> of all the brains in the game, which run their handler update methods
> to change the state of the game.
> A handler would be something like a key input handler. The key input
> handler is defined separately from the command handler in the case I
> want to use a different method of input, for example a mouse or
> joystick.
> In the dictionary of key inputs I could map each input directly to a
> function. However there is no instance name I can call the function
> on, as I create a thing, add a brain, and add handlers to the brain
> like this:
> player = Thing(26, 16, 'player')
> player.brain = Brain()
> player.brain.add_handlers(
>                             commandHandler(player.brain, player),
>                             keyboardHandler(player.brain),
>                             fovHandler(player.brain))
> So what I'm wondering is how to reference the instance in each brain's
> list of handlers when I want to map something like a key input to a
> command, or what a better way might be to structure the code.

>>                            commandHandler(player.brain, player),
>>                            keyboardHandler(player.brain),
>>                            fovHandler(player.brain))

You're executing commandHandler, and passing its return value into the 
add_handlers() method.  So commandHandler is a function, not a method, 
and what is its relationship to anything that actually processes commands?

Sorry, your pseudo-code is so far from real code that I can't figure out 
what you're doing.  So I guess I can't be any help till something else 
turns up to make it clearer.  Maybe it's just me.

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