global name 'self' is not defined - noob trying to learn

Dave Angel davea at
Mon Mar 30 18:25:02 EDT 2009

Sorry, I meant I took out the stuff *before* the definition of class 
myclass, and also those things that referred to it.  I didn't want to 
import ctypes,  because it couldn't have any effect on the problem at hand.

Since then I see that you've succeeded with the __int__() method call, 
and your problem is in convincing the system to call __long__() when 
needed, instead of __int__().  The problem is that the formatting string 
%X doesn't distinguish between int and long (and starting with Python 3, 
there is no distinction), so apparently it's always calling __int__(), 
and ignoring the __long__ unless you explicitly cast it.

If I were you I'd add a cast to the __int__() method, and let the user 
use a long() cast if he wants more than 32 bits precision.  Or just add 
another method tohex() or some such, and have it return a string.  Such 
a method could take an explicit length argument, which could default to 
the actual size of the int or long.
    def __int(self):
           return int(self.val)

mark.seagoe at wrote:
> On Mar 30, 12:01 pm, mark.sea... at wrote:
>> On Mar 30, 11:53 am, Dave Angel <da... at> wrote:
>>> After taking out the class  myclass stuff, the code worked for me in
>>> Python 2.6.1, through the cat line.  Could you please tell us what
>>> version of Python you're running this on?
>>> import sys
>>> print "Python version: ", sys.version
>>> yielded (on my machine)
>>> Python version:  2.6.1 (r261:67517, Dec  4 2008, 16:51:00) [MSC v.1500
>>> 32 bit (Intel)]
>>> (There are two typos in  Test 3, and in Test 4 you seem to be treating
>>> this object like a list.)
>> Python version:  2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08)
>> (Thought it was 2.5.3, sorry).
> This part is probably important
> Python version:  2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310
> 32 bit (Intel)]
> Not sure what you mean that you removed the class myclass.  Not sure
> how it could work.
> Thanks

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