Creating Linked Lists in Python

andrew cooke andrew at
Sat Mar 28 09:31:38 EDT 2009

J-Burns wrote:
> and to node 2 with the value of "b". Trying to make something like an
> NFA. Where id be changing regular expressions to NFAs.
> How can I do this? And if I could do this by some other way than using
> linked lists than do tell me about that as well.

Just been reminded of this thread by Gabriel's summary - I've now released
an an initial version of code that represents DFAs and NFAs (and can
convert from NFA to DFA) for arbitrary alphabets.  It's documented at (you can see
the source there too) and available as part of LEPL.

(I've just noticed that the comments in Sequence are incorrect,
unfortunately - please ignore any mention of "index").


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