How to add months to a date (datetime object)?

Lorenzo loluengo at
Mon Mar 16 14:03:50 EDT 2009

On Mar 15, 1:28 pm, tinn... at wrote:
> I have a date in the form of a datetime object and I want to add (for
> example) three months to it.  At the moment I can't see any very
> obvious way of doing this.  I need something like:-
>     myDate =
>     inc = datetime.timedelta(months=3)
>     myDate += inc
> but, of course, timedelta doesn't know about months. I had a look at
> the calendar object but that didn't seem to help much.
> --
> Chris Green

After seeing all this discussion, the best suggestion that comes to my
mind is:

Implement your own logic, and handle special cases as desired, using
calendar.monthrange as a reference to determine if the day really
exists on the new month. i.e.

from datetime import datetime
import calendar
months_to_add = 3
d =
if d.months + months_to_add > 12:
    d.replace(year = d.year + (d.months + months_to_add)/12)
    d.replace(month = (d.months + months_to_add)%12)
    d.replace(month = (d.months + months_to_add))
if > calendar.monthrange(d.year,d.month)[1]:
    # do some custom stuff i.e. force to last day of the month or skip
to the next month ....

just my .02

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