Is python worth learning as a second language?

Lie Ryan lie.1296 at
Mon Mar 9 07:19:52 EDT 2009

ZikO wrote:
> Hi
> I hope I won't sound trivial with asking my question.
> I am a C++ programmer and I am thinking of learning something else 
> because I know second language might be very helpful somehow. I have 
> heard a few positive things about Python but I have never writen any 
> single line in python so I do not know this language at all.
> Do you think python would be good complementary language for C++? Do you 
> think it's worth learning it or let's say try Java? and how difficult it 
> would be for me if I know C++ pretty well I would say?
> Thanks

Certainly. A programmer that only knows one language would be too 
limited. Try as many programming language as you can, and especially 
look for programming languages that have "obscenely different" paradigm 
than the language you already know.

You should know at least a language from each categories (anyone can add 
if they feel something is missing):

- Object oriented, example: C-family, Java, Python, etc
- Imperative, example: C-family, Java, Python, etc
- Functional, example: Python, Lisp/Scheme, Haskell, etc
- Declarative, example: Haskell, Prolog
- Logic Programming, example: Prolog, etc
- Event driven, example: most GUI sublanguage, etc
- Domain specific language, example: Regular Expression (yes it is a 
programming language, regex parser is a Finite State Machine), SQL, etc
- Concurrent programming, example: Erlang, etc
- any other paradigms

so basically, I still have much to learn...

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