PEP 3143: Standard daemon process library (was: Writing a well-behaved daemon)

Ben Finney ben+python at
Fri Mar 20 05:58:58 EDT 2009

Ben Finney <ben at> writes:

> Writing a Python program to become a Unix daemon is relatively
> well-documented: there's a recipe for detaching the process and
> running in its own process group. However, there's much more to a
> Unix daemon than simply detaching.

> My searches for such functionality haven't borne much fruit though.
> Apart from scattered recipes, none of which cover all the essentials
> (let alone the optional features) of 'daemon', I can't find anything
> that could be relied upon. This is surprising, since I'd expect this
> in Python's standard library.

I've submitted PEP 3143 <URL:>
to meet this need, and have re-worked an existing library into a new
‘python-daemon’ <URL:>
library, the reference implementation.

Now I need wider testing and scrutiny of the implementation and

One point to note: This is only intended to address the task of a
program transforming *itself* into a daemon process. If you want to
spawn off *extra* processes and manage them through a “service”
channel, you want something this spec was never meant to cover. You
may be interested in discussing that further on a separate thread at

If you want to turn your program into a well-behaved daemon process,
I'd like to know how well PEP 3143 works for you. Please try it out
for your daemon programs and discuss!

 \            “The whole area of [treating source code as intellectual |
  `\    property] is almost assuring a customer that you are not going |
_o__)               to do any innovation in the future.” —Gary Barnett |
Ben Finney

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