preferring [] or () in list of error codes?

Stephen Hansen apt.shansen at
Mon Jun 8 17:56:24 EDT 2009

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 2:36 PM, <mh at> wrote:

> Is there any reason to prefer one or the other of these statements?
>        if e.message.code in [25401,25402,25408]:
>        if e.message.code in (25401,25402,25408):
> I'm currently using [], but only coz I think it's prettier
> than ().

I like to use tuples / () if the sequence literal is ultimately static.
Purely because in my mind that just makes it a little more clear-- a list is
mutable, so I use it when it should be or may be mutated; if it never would,
I use a tuple. It just seems clearer to me that way.

But a tuple also takes up a little space in memory, so it's a bit more
efficient that way. I have absolutely no idea if reading / checking for
contents in a list vs tuple has any performance difference, but would
suspect it'd be tiny (and probably irrelevant in a small case like that),
but still.

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