Python code for testing well parenthesized expression

Adrian Dziubek adrian.dziubek at
Tue Jul 14 08:59:51 EDT 2009

Strings are immutable, so your method of slicing one letter at time
will be building lots of them. That shouldn't hurt you here, but it
will when you hit a bigger problem. In the i() there should be "return
op == 0" on the end.

def well(expr):
  mapping = {'(':1, ')':-1}
  count = 0
  for s in expr:
    if s in mapping:
      count += mapping[s]
    if s < 0:
      return False
  return count == 0

def test_well():
  examples = [
    ('zx4er(1(er(Yy)ol)ol)ik', True),
    ('a(ty(y(y(bn)))lokl)kl', True),
    ('xc(er(tgy(rf(yh)()uj)ki))', True),
    ('e', True),
    ('rf(tgt)juj)jkik(jun)', False),
    ('zx(4er(1(er(Yy)ol)ol)ik', False),
  for expr, expected in examples:
    assert well(expr) == expected

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