PyGtkSourceView / PyScintilla

fiafulli fiafulli at
Fri Jul 3 13:39:27 EDT 2009

Hello to all.
I would have need of the recent version (possibly most recent) than one of 
the two controls in subject.
I think that wrapper for scintilla it would be better but creed that the 
development for pygtk is stopped.

therefore I'm more inclined for GtkSourceView (than today it is to the 
version 2.6.0

In the specific I need the version for windows (for that for linux I have 
not still tried but I must not have problems) of which a setup exists for 
python 2.5 but it is stop to version 2.2

Someone would be to post the compiled in issue (if it were last version 
would be fantastic!)? or to explain step to me step as to compile it to me 
alone on windows (I have tried installing mingw, msys, autoconf, automake, 
libtools, and all the other ones of time in time, I have begun to compile 
but they are stopped to me on reference lacking pygobject 2.15 or something 
of the sort. I lost all morning!)?

The version of python that I use is the 2.5.4. on windows xp sp3 (and ubuntu 

Thanks in advance,

p.s.: sorry for my bad english 

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