Python 3.0 (pinin' for the fjords)

Barry Warsaw barry at
Thu Jul 2 19:10:39 EDT 2009

Now that Python 3.1 is out, it seems there's been some confusion as to  
whether there will be one last Python 3.0 release, i.e. Python 3.0.2.

At the PyCon 2009 language summit it was decided that there will be  
*no* Python 3.0.2.  Python 3.0 is different than all other releases.   
There will be no last maintenance release and no ongoing security  
releases.  Python 3.1 is the replacement for Python 3.0, and it's  
release schedule was accelerated specifically so that production users  
would be able to switch immediately.

If you're using Python 3, you are strongly urged to update to Python  
3.1.  Python 3.1 will be a 'normal' release in that we're making all  
the guarantees that we make for other releases.  It is likely that  
Python 3.2 is 18-24 months away, there will be Python 3.1.x  
maintenance releases, and there will be one last Python 3.1.x release  
after the final release of Python 3.2.


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