v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")

Diez B. Roggisch deets at nospam.web.de
Sun Jan 25 18:40:09 EST 2009

>> But all of this is not JSON.
> Yes it is, you just make it more python dictionary compatible :)

No, what you do is to make it more incompatible with other 
json-implementations. Which defies the meaning of a standard.

Besides, {foo : "bar"} is *not* python dictionary compatible, at least 
not unless you defined foo beforehand, and then there is no guarantee 
that foo is actually as string containing 'foo'.

> What is this json person email address so I can ask that he makes a
> very small update on his site.

Go try your luck - http://www.json.org/
> Besides if you can make lightweight versions of standards
> http://docs.python.org/library/xml.dom.minidom.html

minidom is a lightweight version of the DOM-API. But it reads and writes 
standard-conform XML documents.

The same applies for element-tree and lxml.

So it does not serve as a counter-example.

> You can defenatly add lightweight quotes to json.

If you bring all other implementors of all other languages to 
simultaneously do so - yes, you can. Again, good luck with that.


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