Newby: how to transform text into lines of text

Diez B. Roggisch deets at
Sun Jan 25 08:36:15 EST 2009

vsoler schrieb:
> Hello,
> I'va read a text file into variable "a"
>      a=open('FicheroTexto.txt','r')
> "a" contains all the lines of the text separated by '\n' characters.

No, it doesn't. "" *returns* the contents, but you don't assign 
it, so it is discarded.

> Now, I want to work with each line separately, without the '\n'
> character.
> How can I get variable "b" as a list of such lines?

The idiomatic way would be iterating over the file-object itself - which 
will get you the lines:

with open("foo.txt") as inf:
     for line in inf:
         print line

The advantage is that this works even for large files that otherwise 
won't fit into memory. Your approach of reading the full contents can be 
used like this:

content =
for line in content.split("\n"):
     print line


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