Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

Paul Rubin http
Fri Jan 23 22:18:05 EST 2009

"Rhodri James" <rhodri at> writes:
> My experience with medium-sized organisations (50-100 people) is that
> either you talk to Fred directly, or it doesn't happen.  In particular
> the more people (especially PHBs) that get involved, the slower the
> change will come and the less like your original requirement it will look.

Usually there would be enough communication with Fred that Fred is be
aware of the problem and the amount of work needed to fix it (maybe
you've even submitted a patch that Fred can commit after review and
testing), but Fred has ten thousand other things that also need
getting done.  The job of the PHB's is to stay on top of what issues
are important for the overall project and juggle the priorities of
individual tasks.  They figure out whether developing some feature
pushes something else out of the way for the upcoming release, or gets
slid off to the next one, or whatever.  When they do a good job, that
takes a big load off of the programmers.  It is, to some extent, also
part of the PHB's job to "filter the traffic" and protect both Fred
and you from making too many interruptions for each other.  This is
especially important if you're the type of programmer who tends to get
their hands in a lot of different areas of a project.

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