English-like Python

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sat Jan 17 08:00:35 EST 2009

2009/1/17 Kay Schluehr <kay.schluehr at gmx.net>:
> On 16 Jan., 02:02, The Music Guy <music... at alphaios.net> wrote:
>> Just out of curiousity, have there been any attempts to make a version
>> of Python that looks like actual English text?
> No, but I've once written a Python dialect that uses German text. Just
> look at how amazing this result is !!! But be warned it requires
> knowledge of the German language.
> http://www.fiber-space.de/EasyExtend/doc/teuton/teuton.htm

You might find HPL (Hebrew Programming Language) interesting:

HPL is PHP but with Hebrew operators, commands, and builtin functions.
The interesting thing is that HPL is actually useful, as Hebrew and
Arabic are written from right to left and many text editors get
confused with RTL and LTR text on the same line. So typing in HPL
looks better in the text editor and is more easily understood.

Dotan Cohen



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