why cannot assign to function call

Joe Strout joe at strout.net
Sat Jan 10 14:52:47 EST 2009

rurpy at yahoo.com wrote:

> What is the observable difference between converting an
> array to a reference (pointer) to that array and passing
> the reference by value, and passing the array by reference?

The difference is whether an assignment to the formal parameter (within 
the function) affects the actual parameter (in the calling code).  If it 
does, then that's pass by reference.  If it does not, then that's pass 
by value.

> That is, given a C-like compiler that is the same as
> C except that it passes arrays by reference, how would
> it differ from an ordinary C compiler?

Such a compiler is available: it's called C++, and it gives the 
programmer the choice to pass by value or pass by reference (the latter 
indicated by adding "&" to the parameter in the function declaration, 
just like you would add "ByRef" in RB or VB.NET).

If the parameter is called "foo", and you pass in "bar", then

   foo = SomeNewArray();

would change bar if it were passed by reference; it would not affect bar 
at all if it were passed by value.

The two are quite distinct.

- Joe

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