Any news on when some libraries will be ported to Python 3.0?

pruebauno at pruebauno at
Wed Jan 7 10:19:49 EST 2009

On Jan 7, 3:48 am, "Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality"
<ihates... at> wrote:
>     Anyway, I'd love to hear some news about any of these things in
> particular or even anything in general.  Am I the only one who's psyched for
> this version of Python?
>     Thank you...

There are many people psyched about 3.0, but also many older farts
that have been using Python since 1.0 and have tons of code that
already works fine and feel a little bit like the mechanic that has to
switch his tools from imperial to metric; it is overall probably for
the better but still a pain to adapt everything to the new system.
This is open source so you either have to find a way to motivate the
authors of the libraries without pissing them off, or you will have to
be patient.

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