problem in implementing multiprocessing

gopal mishra gopalm at
Fri Jan 16 00:35:44 EST 2009


I am trying to implement the multiprocessing in my application to take
advantage of multiple cores. I have created two

Separate process something like this.

que = Queue
Process(target = getData, args=(que , section, MdbFile,)).start()
Process(target = getData, args=(que , section, MdbFile,)).start()

In getData function I create the object(max 7MB size) and add in to queue
(que.put (object)).

After that I fetch the object using que.get () and use in my application.
but it takes more time to get the data.

Any one can help me out this problem.


My code<<<<<
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue

def getData(queue, section, mdbFile):
    This function returns the gapappdata for the given mdb file.
    app  = MdbFile(mdbFile)
    mdbData = is a heavy object

def getData2(mdbFile):
    This function returns the gapappdata for the given mdb file.
    app  = MdbFile(mdbFile)
    mdbData = is a heavy object
    return mdbData

def test_multipleProcess(fromMdbFile, toMdbFile):
    t1 = time.time()
    queue = Queue()
    sections = ['From', 'To']
    Process(target= getData_1, args=(queue, 'From',fromMdbFile,)).start()
    Process(target= getData_1, args=(queue, 'To',toMdbFile,)).start()
    section, gapAppData = queue.get()
    section, gapAppData = queue.get()
    t2 = time.time()
    print "total time using multiProcessing:",t2-t1
    d1 = getData2(fromMdbFile)
    d2 = getData2(toMdbFile)
    print "total time withought multiProcessing:", time.time()-t2

if __name__=='__main__':
    f1 =r" a.mdb"
    f2 =r"b.mdb"

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