List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?

mario ruggier mario.ruggier at
Thu Jan 15 06:29:59 EST 2009


I would like to evaluate list comprehension expressions, from within
which I'd like to call a function. For a first level it works fine but
for second level it seems to lose the "_[1]" variable it uses
internally to accumulate the results. Some sample code is:

class GetItemEvaluator(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.globals = globals() # some dict (never changes)
        self.globals["ts"] = self.ts
        self.globals["join"] = "".join
        self.locals = {} # changes on each evaluation
    def __getitem__(self, expr):
        return eval(expr, self.globals, self.locals)
    def ts(self, ts, name, value):
        self.locals[name] = value
        #print ts, name, value, "::::", self.locals, "::::", ts % self
        return ts % self

gie = GetItemEvaluator()
gie.locals["inner"] = ("a","b","c","d")
print """
pre %(join([ts("%s."%(j)+'%(k)s ', 'k', k) for j,k in enumerate
(inner)]))s post
""" % gie
# OK, outputs: pre 0.a 1.b 2.c 3.d  post

gie = GetItemEvaluator()
gie.locals["outer"] = [ ("m","n","o","p"), ("q","r","s","t")]
print """
pre %(join([ts(
  '''inner pre
  %(join([ts("%s.%s."%(i, j)+'%(k)s ', 'k', k) for j,k in enumerate
   inner post''',
  "inner", inner) # END CALL outer ts()
  for i,inner in enumerate(outer)])
)s post
""" % gie

The second 2-level comprehension gives:

  File "scratch/", line 8, in __getitem__
    return eval(expr, self.globals, self.locals)
  File "<string>", line 4, in <module>
NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined

If the print was to be enable, the last line printed out is:

0.3.%(k)s  k p :::: {'outer': [('m', 'n', 'o', 'p'), ('q', 'r', 's',
't')], 'i': 0, 'k': 'p', 'j': 3, '_[1]': ['0.0.m ', '0.1.n ', '0.2.o
'], 'inner': ('m', 'n', 'o', 'p')} :::: 0.3.p

i.e. it has correctly processed the first inner sequence, until the
(last) "p" element. But on exit of the last inner ts() call, it seems
to lose the '_[1]' on self.locals.

Any ideas why?

Note, i'd like that the first parameter to ts() is as independent as
possible from teh context in expression context, a sort of independent
mini-template. Thus, the i,j enumerate counters would normally not be
subbed *within* the comprehension itself, but in a similar way to how
k is evaluated, within the call to ts() -- I added them this way here
to help follow easier what the execution trail is. Anyhow, within that
mini-template, i'd like to embed other expressions for the % operator,
and that may of course also be list comprehensions.


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