Pickling classes (not class instances)

Nicolas M. Thiéry Nicolas.Thiery at u-psud.fr
Sat Jan 10 18:59:50 EST 2009

	Dear python developers,

Purpose of this e-mail:

How to customize how a class (not an instance of a class!!!) is

class metaclass(type):
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dict):
        print " running metaclass.__new__"
        return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict)
    def __reduce_class__(self):
        print "reducing a class"
        # do the real work

c = metaclass("foo", (object,), dict())

import copy_reg
copy_reg.pickle(metaclass, metaclass.__reduce_class__)

PicklingError                             Traceback (most recent call
PicklingError: Can't pickle <class '__main__.foo'>: it's not found as


I am working on the Sage project (www.sagemath.org), and more
precisely on the category infrastructure. The code is building lots of
classes on the fly by composing preexisting classes by inheritance
(for the curious, see the doc of the class Category in

Since those classes are built on the fly, they cannot be pickled with
the default mechanism of name lookup. A proper pickling would be to
rebuild the class anew. Nothing problematic, except for the question


It sounds like copy_reg would be the natural way to go (as in the
example above). However, its documentation suggests that it explicitly
is not intended for pickling classes, e.g. first paragraph of:



  The copy_reg module provides support for the pickle and cPickle
  modules. The copy module is likely to use this in the future as
  well.  It provides configuration information about object
  constructors which are not classes. Such constructors may be factory
  functions or class instances.

And indeed, looking up at the code of pickle (l. 289-299 of pickle.py)
(and similarly in cpickle), the copy-reg dispatch is explicit bypassed
for metaclasses:

        # Check for a class with a custom metaclass; treat as regular
            issc = issubclass(t, TypeType)
        except TypeError: # t is not a class (old Boost; see SF
            issc = 0
        if issc:

        # Check copy_reg.dispatch_table
        reduce = dispatch_table.get(t)

Which causes the failure above.

Is there a specific reason for this restriction?

Would it be thinkable to move up the copy reg dispatch before the
metaclass treatment in pickle and cPickle? I did it locally, and it
fixed my problem.

If not, what would be the right way to achieve this?

Many thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nthiery at users.sf.net>

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