python and gloox

gliderman gliderman at none
Thu Jan 1 13:01:48 EST 2009


I am trying to use a python version of gloox (XMPP client library 
written in C++). The python binding is done using SWIG (provided by the 
author of gloox). I am trying to adapt first a c++ example to python.

The code below fails with

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 54, in ?
   File "", line 28, in run
     self.f = gloox.SIProfileFT( self.c, self )
line 1965, in __init__
     this = _gloox.new_SIProfileFT(*args)
NotImplementedError: Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 
   Possible C/C++ prototypes are:
     gloox::SIProfileFT(gloox::ClientBase *,gloox::SIProfileFTHandler 
*,gloox::SIManager *,gloox::SOCKS5BytestreamManager *)
     gloox::SIProfileFT(gloox::ClientBase *,gloox::SIProfileFTHandler 
*,gloox::SIManager *)
     gloox::SIProfileFT(gloox::ClientBase *,gloox::SIProfileFTHandler *)

If I comment gloox.LogHandler.__init__( self ) (and 
self.c.logInstance().registerLogHandler( gloox....), it "works".
The order to initialize the objects seems to be important. The error can 
differ with the order of __init__ .

Moreover when I replace
C++ : m_s5b->registerSOCKS5BytestreamDataHandler( this );
by its python version: self.m_s5b.registerSOCKS5BytestreamDataHandler(self)
a pointer object in m_s5b is always null (it shouldnt).

There is no constructor in c++ classes 
SOCKS5BytestreamDataHandler (almost pure virtual).

import gloox
import sys
import os

class MyClient( 

     def __init__( self ):
         gloox.ConnectionListener.__init__( self )
         gloox.SOCKS5BytestreamDataHandler.__init__( self )
         gloox.SIProfileFTHandler.__init__( self )
         gloox.LogHandler.__init__( self )
         self.j = gloox.JID( "test at localhost/yop"  )
         self.c = gloox.Client( self.j, 'test' )

     def run(self):
         self.c.registerConnectionListener(self )
         self.c.logInstance().registerLogHandler( gloox.LogLevelDebug, 
         m_server=gloox.SOCKS5BytestreamServer( self.c.logInstance(), 6666 )

         le = m_server.listen()
         if  le  != gloox.ConnNoError:
             print( "listen returned: %d\n"% le)
         print( "listening\n" )

         self.f = gloox.SIProfileFT( self.c, self )
         self.f.registerSOCKS5BytestreamServer( m_server )
         self.f.addStreamHost( gloox.JID("jabberd"), "", 7777 );

         b = self.c.connect( False )
         if b:
             print 'successfully connected'
             ce = gloox.ConnNoError
             while ce == gloox.ConnNoError:
                 ce = self.c.recv( 1 )

     def handleLog(self,level,area,message):
       print("log: level: %d, area: %d, %s\n", level, area, message )

     def onConnect(self):
       print( "connected!!!\n" )

     def onDisconnect(self, e ):
         print( "ft_send: disconnected: %d\n"% e )
         if e == gloox.ConnAuthenticationFailed :
             print( "auth failed. reason: %d\n"% c.authError() )


t = MyClient()

Thanks for any hint (and happy new year !)


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