Reading a tab delimited text file.

Tim Chase python.list at
Mon Feb 23 17:45:12 EST 2009

>>    time_vec, ch1_vec, and_so_on = zip(*(
>>      map(float, line.split())
>>      for line in file('in.txt')))
>> If this isn't homework, there are some less terse versions which
>> are a bit easier on the eyes and less like some love-child
>> between Perl and Python.
> haha, no this isn't homework. I'm a mechanical engineering student
> working on a research project and this program is for my personal use
> to analyze the data.

The "zip-star map-float" variant is a pretty unreadable way to go.

The more readable versions look something like

   data = [map(float, line.split()) for line in file('in.txt')]
   time_vec = [bit[0] for bit in data]
   ch1_vec = [bit[1] for bit in data]
   and_so_on = [bit[2] for bit in data]

or even

   time_vec = []
   ch1_vec = []
   and_so_on = []
   for line in file('in.txt'):
     a,b,c = map(float, line.split())

which could also be written as

   for line in file('in.txt'):
     line = line.split()


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