wxPython vs Glade?

Stef Mientki stef.mientki at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 14:29:30 EST 2009

Michael Pobega wrote:
> I'm looking for opinions on the best toolkit for a beginner to use with
> wxPython. It doesn't necessarily need to be the most efficient toolkit,
> but something I can use for basic programs (a Twitter client, Wordpress
> blogging client, etc) just to learn Python.
> wxWidgets seems nice because it's portable, but I'm not sure how many of
> my libraries are portable (a lot of them seem to import os), while Glade
> seems extremely simple to make a UI (but does the program end up relying
> on Glade? Or can I build it directly into GTK+?)
there's XRC and something even easier:

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