Membership of multiple items to a list

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Sun Feb 1 22:47:51 EST 2009

rdmurray at writes:

> I don't even see Stephen Hansen's posts. My newsreader just shows
> the header and says "[HTML part not displayed]".


Note to people who want to communicate in online fora: Set your client
to generate a “text/plain” body only. HTML is either irrelevant to
your message (so don't generate it), or will result in your message
not even being seen at all by some readers (as in this case).

 \        “If it ain't bust don't fix it is a very sound principle and |
  `\      remains so despite the fact that I have slavishly ignored it |
_o__)                                     all my life.” —Douglas Adams |
Ben Finney

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