logging and daemons

Fernando M. Maresca fmaresca at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 08:02:06 EST 2009


I'm in the process of replacing a custom logger class in one of my apps
that has several daemons. In the last step of daemonizing a program,
after closing fds, stderr and stdout are redirected to the logfile of
the program.

Now, I'm trying to use TimedRotatingFileHandler as the only channel when
the programs run in daemon mode. My problem is: I can't see a goog way
to redirect stderr/stdout both to the logger.

Note that I don't have any print statements in any of my code, but I
can't be sure about all the modules I'm importing, and I like to get any
uncached exception info that may go to stderr/stdout to show up in the

Any ideas?
Thanks a lot,

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