imaplib thread method anomaly

Mr SZ sk8in_zombi at
Tue Feb 3 08:22:01 EST 2009


I was looking at the thread functionality of IMAP4rev1 servers with the threading extension. Here is my output with debug=8 :

  02:23.02 > GDJB3 UID THREAD references UTF-8 (SEEN)
  02:23.02 < * THREAD (3)(2)(4)(1)
  02:23.02 	matched r'\* (?P<type>[A-Z-]+)( (?P<data>.*))?' => ('THREAD', ' (3)(2)(4)(1)', '(3)(2)(4)(1)')
  02:23.03 untagged_responses[THREAD] 0 += ["(3)(2)(4)(1)"]
  02:23.03 < GDJB3 OK Thread completed.
  02:23.03 	matched r'(?P<tag>GDJB\d+) (?P<type>[A-Z]+) (?P<data>.*)' => ('GDJB3', 'OK', 'Thread completed.')


  02:59.22 > CNCF3 THREAD references UTF-8 (SEEN)
  02:59.23 < * THREAD (3)(2)(4)(1)
  02:59.23 	matched r'\* (?P<type>[A-Z-]+)( (?P<data>.*))?' => ('THREAD', ' (3)(2)(4)(1)', '(3)(2)(4)(1)')
  02:59.23 untagged_responses[THREAD] 0 += ["(3)(2)(4)(1)"]
  02:59.23 < CNCF3 OK Thread completed.
  02:59.23 	matched r'(?P<tag>CNCF\d+) (?P<type>[A-Z]+) (?P<data>.*)' => ('CNCF3', 'OK', 'Thread completed.')
  02:59.23 untagged_responses[THREAD] => ['(3)(2)(4)(1)']

As you can see, the first is a UID command and the second is calling the thread method. Also, the server responses are the same for both. So why is one returning None and the other returning the correct response? I'm using python2.4 and I'm stuck with it as I'm using it in a zope environment.


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