Problems with debugging Lists

Sancar Saran sancar.saran at
Fri Dec 11 17:11:38 EST 2009

Hello again.

I wrote small class for generating and accessing globalized Dictionary.

And of course I want to add some kind of debug ability to check what is 

In php we had print_r function to see entire array structure. After some 
search I found some equal module named pprint.

And some how this module wont work with mod_wsgi it was something about 
mod_wsgi portability standards.

After some research there where some thing about putting some variables in 
apache config to disable this.

And now I can see some dictionary structure in my apache log and I got some 
errors like
r += pprint.pprint(
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

So is there any way to get dictionary structure in string format ?

Another question is. When I import a module from top is it available for later 
imported modules

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os, sys, cgi, pprint
import cgitb

def application(environ, start_response):
	import registry, k5
	#from print_r import print_r

	# new registry

	r = registry.Registry(environ)

	#response_headers = [('Content-type',k5.headers['content-type']+'; 
	#start_response(kk5.headers['status'], response_headers)

	# build the response body possibly using the environ dictionary
	response_body = 'The request method was %s' % environ['REQUEST_METHOD']
	response_body += '<br/>'
	response_body += str(r.debug())

	# HTTP response code and message
	status = '200 OK'

	# These are HTTP headers expected by the client.
	# They must be wrapped as a list of tupled pairs:
	# [(Header name, Header value)].
	response_headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/plain'),
			('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))]

	# Send them to the server using the supplied function
	start_response(status, response_headers)

	# Return the response body.
	# Notice it is wrapped in a list although it could be any iterable.


	return [response_body]

Following script was not working. I have to re import pprint from registry.

Is it normal or what is my problem :) 


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