How do I Block Events in wxPython

Philip Semanchuk philip at
Wed Dec 9 11:43:03 EST 2009

On Dec 9, 2009, at 10:42 AM, Wanderer wrote:

> I have a wxPython program which does some calculations and displays
> the results. During these calculations if I click the mouse inside the
> dialog the program locks up. If I leave the dialog alone the process
> completes fine. I have tried running the function from a separate
> dialog with Show Modal and I have tried using SetEvtHandlerEnabled all
> to no avail. The program is long and occupies several files so I won't
> show the whole thing but here is the calculation part. How do I block
> events?

Hi Wanderer,
I don't have a solution for you but I have three suggestions.

First, your program shouldn't be locking up just because you clicked  
on it. IMO that's the real problem, and discarding events is just a  
band-aid to cover it up. Nevertheless, sometimes a band-aid is an  
appropriate solution and you're the best judge of that.

Second, the wxPython mailing list would be a better place for this  

Third, if you can't seem to resolve the problem, try paring it down to  
a minimal example that reproduces the problem. It's difficult to offer  
suggestions when we can't see the whole code or try the sample code  

Good luck

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