Recommendation for small, fast, Python based web server

python at python at
Wed Dec 9 14:34:41 EST 2009

I'm looking for a small, simple, fast, Python based web server
for a simple, client side application we're building. We don't
want to distrubute and support a "real" web server like Apache or
Tomcat or depend on the presence of local web server such as IIS.
The application in question will service AJAX requests from a

We're not looking for a web framework like Django, Plone, etc.

I've looked at the web servers that come bundled with the Python
standard library[1] and they are too slow. I suspect this is
because they don't maintain a session between the client and
server, thus every GET/POST request repeats the session setup and
break down process. Or they might be based on a polling model?

Here are the other Python based web server implementations I'm
aware of:
- cherrypy
- twisted

Any recommendations appreciated (Python 2.6 preferred but open to
Python 3.1 options).


[1] (base)
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