An assessment of the Unicode standard

r rt8396 at
Sun Aug 30 09:37:19 EDT 2009

On Aug 30, 7:11 am, Hendrik van Rooyen <hend... at>
> Not that I agree that it would be a Utopia, whatever the language  - more like
> a nightmare of Orwellian proportions - because the language you get taught
> first, moulds the way you think.  And I know from personal experience that
> there are concepts that can be succinctly expressed in one language, that
> takes a lot of wordy handwaving to get across in another.  So diversity would
> be less, creativity would suffer due to lack of cross pollination, and
> progress would slow or stop.
> - Hendrik

What makes you think that diversity is lost with a single language? I
say more pollination will occur and the seed will be more potent since
all parties will contribute to the same pool. Sure there will be
idioms of different regions but that is to be expected. But at least
then i could make international crank calls without the language
barrier ;-)

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