How to launch a function at regular time intervals ?

Dave Angel davea at
Thu Aug 13 15:17:00 EDT 2009

Grant Edwards wrote:
> <snip>On 2009-08-13, Dave Angel <davea at> wrote:
>> Grant Edwards wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>>     interval = 5.0  # interval in seconds
>>>     next = time.time()
>>>     while True:
>>>         now = time.time()
>>>         if now < next:      
>>>             time.sleep(now-next)
>>>         print "call_the_function()"
>>>         next += interval
>>> That will be accurate over the long term with minimal jitter.
>> <snip>
>> 2) If (occasionally) the function takes longer than the
>>    specified interval time, my approach does catch-up calls so
>>    the average remains the same.
> I'm still confused -- doesn't mine do that as well?
Yep.  I missed it again.  Clearly it does the catchup the next time 
around the while loop.


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