desperately looking for a howto on running my wxPython app on Vista

Paul Sijben paul.sijben at
Wed Apr 29 05:17:15 EDT 2009

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

>> I am currently stuck on the infamous R6034 error but I understand that
>> after that there may be another issue with certain wxPython functions.
> That should be fixed in Python 2.6.2, I think.
> Are you compiling all your dependencies, including Python itself? R6034
> is likely a DLL mismatch between parts of your project.

I am using 2.6.2 and am compiling only my own changed modules. For all
the other support modules I have taken the most recent ones (win32,

Is there any way to check which is the offending pyd/dll?  (normally
Vista does not give out much data on what went wrong)


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