Web based application development using python

Stephen Hansen apt.shansen at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 01:27:43 EDT 2009

> i am getting more specific, is there any web development framework
> better than mod python which is
> easy to maintain.

I'd have a hard time categorizing mod_python as a "web development
framework"; it seems to me to be primarily a Python accelerator for Apache,
with lightweight tools which could be used in web development to ease
certain low level tasks. But it hardly seems to be a framework in the modern

There's TurboGears (my preference), Django, Pylons, CherryPy, and...
numerous others, depending on how much of a framework you're looking for.
You can use mod_wsgi to accellerate lots of these frameworks in Python and

But a more specific answer is hard without you defining what you're looking
for in a "web development framework" that is "easy to maintain"

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