Developing modules with ‘pkgutil’

Ben Finney ben+python at
Thu Apr 16 09:03:21 EDT 2009

Peter Otten <__peter__ at> writes:

> Weird idea. Try putting the following in your files:
> import pkgutil
> __path__ = pkgutil.extend_path(__path__, __name__)
> __path__.reverse()
> import __init__
> globals().update(vars(__init__))
> __path__.reverse()

That's rather astounding. It doesn't *quite* work, but here's what did

# docutils/
# Python package for in-development docutils packages.

import pkgutil

# Ensure we can also reach modules in the system package
__path__ = pkgutil.extend_path(__path__, __name__)

# Make this directory come last when importing from this package

# Make this package gain all the attributes of the system package
_path_prev = __path__
import __init__
__path__ = _path_prev
del _path_prev

# Make this directory come first when importing from this package

Plus the same thing in ‘docutils/writers/’.

Pretty ugly. I hope namespace packages can come along and save us from

> If that doesn't work add
> import docutils
> docutils.__path__.insert(0, path_to_modified_version)
> to your main script. Repeat for every subpackage.

No, modifying the program is exactly what I'm trying to avoid; that
file, unlike these development-only shims, will actually be installed on
the end-user's system. The point of the exercise is to set up the
development working tree so that it presents the in-development module
transparently to the program, and the program remains untainted by these
ugly hacks :-)

But, since the above re-worked package module does the job, I'm able to
continue (though appalled at the hackiness required). Thank you!

 \         “Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “I think so, |
  `\         Brain, but isn't a cucumber that small called a gherkin?” |
_o__)                                           —_Pinky and The Brain_ |
Ben Finney

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