speed of string chunks file parsing

bearophileHUGS at lycos.com bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Mon Apr 6 11:20:52 EDT 2009

Hyunchul Kim:

> Following script do exactly what I want but I want to improve the speed.

This may be a bit faster, especially if sequences are long (code

import re
from collections import deque

def scanner1(deque=deque):
    result_seq = deque()
    cp_regular_expression = re.compile("^a complex regular expression
    for line in file(inputfile):
        if cp_regular_expression.match(line) and result_seq:
            yield result_list
            result_seq = deque()
    yield result_seq

If the sequences are processed on the fly then you don't need to
create new ones and you can clear old ones, this may be a bit faster:

def scanner2(deque=deque):
    result_seq = deque()
    cp_regular_expression = re.compile("^a complex regular expression
    for line in file(inputfile):
        if cp_regular_expression.match(line) and result_seq:
            yield result_list
    yield result_seq

Note that most of the time may be used by the regular expression,
often there are ways to speed it up using string methods, even as a
first faster approximate match too.


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