Py 2.6 changes

Mensanator mensanator at
Mon Sep 1 21:06:05 EDT 2008

On Sep 1, 2:15�pm, bearophileH... at wrote:
> I have just re-read the list of changes in Python 2.6, it's huge,
> there are tons of changes and improvements, I'm really impressed:
> I'll need many days to learn all those changes! I can see it fixes
> several of the missing things/problems I have found in Python in the
> past, like the lack of information regarding the floating point it
> uses, etc.
> I have seen that many (smart) updates are from Hettinger.
> You can see a language gets better when you can remove often-used
> commodity functions/classes from your own 'bag of tricks' :-) (Like
> the permutations() function,

Don't get rid of the whole bag, they didn't implement Combinations
with Replcaement.

> etc).
> >Python now must be compiled with C89 compilers (after 19 years!). This means that the Python source tree has dropped its own implementations of memmove and strerror, which are in the C89 standard library.<
> I presume it's better for me to not hold my breath while I wait
> CPython to be written in C99 :-)
> Now math has factorial:
> Seen how reduce() is removed from Python 3 (I know it's in itertools),
> and seeing that for me to write a productory() function was the first
> usage I have had for reduce, years ago, I think the math module can
> gain a productory() function too.
> For Python 2.7/3.1 I'd now like to write a PEP regarding the
> underscores into the number literals, like: 0b_0101_1111, 268_435_456
> etc. I use such underscores all the time in the D language, and I
> think they can be a tiny but significant improvement for Python (and
> underscore is much better than just a space, because the underscore
> helps the person that reads the code to understand that's a single
> number).
> Bye,
> bearophile

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