Setter Propertys' mro?

cipher cipherzero at
Sat Sep 6 21:15:33 EDT 2008

Whats the mro (method resolution order) of a setter property (__set__
on a descriptor).
i seem to be experiencing some weird issue with them.
for example

>>> class test:
...  def _test(self):
...   return 4
...  def _stest(self):pass # dont change value
...  def _dtest(self,value):pass
...  p=property(_test,_stest,_dtest)
>>> t=test()
>>> t.p
>>> t.p=5
>>> t.p

Why is that being 'overridden' ( by that i mean that it is storing
that value in t's __dict__)

>>> t.__dict__
{'t': 5}

why DIDNT the setter get hit?
however, if i specify the metaclass in the class definition it works
just fine...

class test:
 def _test(self):
  return 4
 def _stest(self,value):pass # dont change value
 def _dtest(self):pass
>>> t=test()
>>> t.p
>>> t.p=5
>>> t.p

why do i have to set the __metaclass__ ? this seems like a bug?
i know that i probably shouldn't worry about this because if a
programmer does want to set my value and it causes an error, thats his
problem.... but this bothers me. whats the point of the __set__ method

Thanks in advanced.


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