Use of generators and efficiency

John O'Hagan research at
Wed Sep 17 07:06:01 EDT 2008


I'm writing a Python program using combinatorial algorithms to generate music. 
It originally was of this general form:

First, a combinatorial function producing a list of sub-lists, then: 

For each sub-list in the list:
	Filter/modifier A, then append modified sub-list to new list,

For each sublist in new list:
	Filter/modifier B, then append modified sub-list to new list, 

 ......and so on for C, D,etc.

Finally, for each sub-list in the final list, output the sub-list 
(print/play as notes).

Because some of the combinatorial operations were slow 
to produce results, I changed the program to be of the form:

A combinatorial generator producing one small list for each call, then:

	Filter/modify list through A,B, etc
	Output the modified list
	Call the generator for next list.

To my great surprise, this approach was often considerably _slower_  to 
complete than the original program (up to ~40% depending on which modifiers 
were used), despite producing initial results more quickly.

Some possibly relevant details: each sub-list consists of a short sequence of 
small numbers representing musical notes, but there may be millions of them; 
the modifiers range from simple tests (e.g., " if len(sub-list) is not n: 
continue" ) to relatively elaborate rearrangements and transformations.

My question is, how can it be quicker to unpack and rebuild a list for each 
modifier, than than to run all modifications on each element in turn? 

Any explanations, comments or advice?


John O'Hagan

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