Event-driven framework (other than Twisted)?

James Mills prologic at shortcircuit.net.au
Thu Oct 2 06:58:10 EDT 2008

On 10/2/08, Phillip B Oldham <phillip.oldham at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Oct 2, 1:32 am, "James Mills" <prolo... at shortcircuit.net.au> wrote:
>  > http://hg.shortcircuit.net.au/index.wsgi/pymills/file/b7498cd4c6a4/ex...
>  Thanks for the example, but its not loading.

Sorry my VPS has been down for quite
some time today :/ Not happy!

Here is the sample:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: set sw=3 sts=3 ts=3

import optparse

from pymills import event
from pymills.event import manager
from pymills.net.sockets import TCPServer
from pymills.event.core import listener, Component
from pymills.net.http import HTTP, Response, Dispatcher
from pymills import __version__ as systemVersion

USAGE = "%prog [options] [path]"
VERSION = "%prog v" + systemVersion

### Functions

def parse_options():
   """parse_options() -> opts, args

   Parse any command-line options given returning both
   the parsed options and arguments.

   parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=USAGE, version=VERSION)

   parser.add_option("-b", "--bind",
         action="store", default="", dest="bind",
         help="Bind to address:port")

   opts, args = parser.parse_args()

   return opts, args

### Components

class Test(Component):

   channel = "/"

   def onINDEX(self, request, response):
      self.send(Response(response), "response")

   def onHello(self, request, response):

      if request.cookie.get("seen", False):
         response.body = "Seen you before!"
         response.body = "Hello World!"
         response.cookie["seen"] = True

      self.send(Response(response), "response")

   def onTEST(self, request, response):
      response.body = "OK"
      self.send(Response(response), "response")

class WebServer(TCPServer, HTTP): pass

### Main

def main():
   opts, args = parse_options()

   if ":" in opts.bind:
      address, port = opts.bind.split(":")
      port = int(port)
      address, port = opts.bind, 80

   server = WebServer(port, address)
   dispatcher = Dispatcher()

   event.manager += server
   event.manager += Test()
   event.manager += dispatcher

   while True:
      except KeyboardInterrupt:

### Entry Point

if __name__ == "__main__":

-- "Problems are solved by method"

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