2.6, 3.0, and truly independent intepreters

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Wed Oct 22 17:15:21 EDT 2008

Andy wrote:

> I agree -- and I've been considering that (or rather, having our
> company hire/pay part of the python dev community to do the work).  To
> consider that, the question becomes, how many modules are we talking
> about do you think?  10? 100? 

In your Python directory, everything in Lib is Python, I believe. 
Everything in DLLs is compiled C extensions.  I see about 15 for Windows 
3.0. These reflect two separate directories in the source tree.  Builtin 
classes are part of pythonxx.dll in the main directory.  I have no idea 
if things such as lists (from listobject.c), for instance, are a 
potential problem for you.

You could start with the module of most interest to you, or perhaps a 
small one, and see if it needs patching (from your viewpoint) and how 
much effort it would take to meet your needs.

Terry Jan Reedy

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