When Python should not be used?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Oct 7 02:50:12 EDT 2008

En Mon, 06 Oct 2008 15:07:23 -0300, Stef Mientki <stef.mientki at gmail.com>  
> Andrea Francia wrote:
>> While some python users prefer to talk about when Python is the right  
>> tool I think that it is more instructive to know when it is not.
>> Please, could you let me know what do you think about that?
> Here is what I can come up with
> - autoit like applications

I had a great success using pywinauto to automate a legacy application in  
order to scrap data from all its windows and dialogs, including variable  
parts (different dialog boxes, different number of tabs, different  
controls enabled) that were dependent on other data. Simple "macro"  
solutions would not have worked here, but combining pywinauto + Python  
logic + sendkeys it was easy to do.

> - licenses differ a lot, which makes it hard to combine different  
> packages
> - a number of libraries is quite in-mature

I think that's not a problem with Python itself, but depends on the  
libraries involved and their authors. Same would happen with other  
languages too.

> - downwards compatibility is sometimes lost

Most code written for Python 1.5 still compiles and runs without any  
problem... I consider the compatibility record of Python quite impressive.

Gabriel Genellina

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